Monday, August 30, 2010

i think that my pronunciation was very good

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I can greet people in Maori – never, sometimes, usually, very frequently, always
I can count to ten in Maori – never, sometimes, usually, very frequently, always
I can give numbers between 20 and 100 in Maori – never, sometimes, usually, very frequently, always
I was pleased with my speed at knowing the numbers I was asked
I need to work on counting backwards from ten because I can not do it My effort during learning Maori was – poor, fair, good, very good, excellent

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

sams learner t shirt

I used the names of the house groups, there is the river of a sams learner. The pig is a self-manager because he is on task. its mostly yellow because yellow is a happy colour and im in Kowhai.


I can say hello and good bye my tones are average but i need to work on remembering numbers

Monday, May 10, 2010

SAMS Learner

Comunicator: I ask questions but I dont speak clearly, I can improve this by answering ouestions.

Thinker: I have different ideas but I dont think before i act, I can improve this by asking myself if this is a good idea.

Self-manager: I set goals to achive but I dont control myself, I can improve this by trying to calm down.

Explorer: I take risks but dont try new things, I can inprove this by trying new things.

Contributor: I help others but dont participate, I can improve this by participating at cross-country.