Monday, May 10, 2010

SAMS Learner

Comunicator: I ask questions but I dont speak clearly, I can improve this by answering ouestions.

Thinker: I have different ideas but I dont think before i act, I can improve this by asking myself if this is a good idea.

Self-manager: I set goals to achive but I dont control myself, I can improve this by trying to calm down.

Explorer: I take risks but dont try new things, I can inprove this by trying new things.

Contributor: I help others but dont participate, I can improve this by participating at cross-country.

1 comment:

  1. You certainly are very helpful - it is very convenient having a student in class that is quite confident with ICT! What exactly do you mean when you say you don't participate? Are you talking about activities in the classroom or extracurricular activities or something else altogether?
